HC Deb 24 June 1942 vol 380 cc1962-3
29. Captain Peter Macdonald

asked the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies whether any steps have yet been taken to set up a control board to regulate the West African export trade.

Mr. Harold Macmillan

My Noble Friend has decided to reconstitute the West African Cocoa Control Board as the West African Produce Control Board. The Board will sit under my chairmanship and will consist of the members of the Cocoa Control Board, together with the following gentlemen: Mr. G. B. Spry, a Director of Messrs. Frank Fehr and Company, Oilseed Brokers; Mr. H. B. Balm-forth, of the Co-operative Wholesale Society; and Mr. A. J. Findlay, formerly Deputy Director of Agriculture, Nigeria. In addition, I am happy to say that it has been arranged that representatives of the Free French Colonal Commissariat shall attend meetings of the Board as observers in the interests of the Free French West African Colonies. The object of this change is to provide for the orderly purchase and handling of West African produce, and for the regulation of the trade in these commodities in the best interests alike of the African producer and of the Allied war effort. I am circulating the full list of members of the Board in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the list: