HC Deb 16 June 1942 vol 380 c1368
28 and 29. Captain Alan Graham

asked the Secretary of State for War (1) whether he is aware that 100,000 Poles from Upper Silesia and 70,000 Poles from Pomerania have been forcibly incorporated in the German Army; and whether, in view of the intended opening of a second front in Europe, he will afford every encouragement and facility to such Poles to desert to us;

(2) whether he will give instructions that a Polish-speaking officer should be attached to each of our divisional intelligence headquarters in the field in Europe; and that Polish deserters or prisoners coming from the German Army should be immediately segregated from the other prisoners and handed over to the Polish military authorities?

Sir J. Grigg

It is known that numbers of Poles have been enrolled forcibly for various auxiliary military services, but I have no information that any of these have been drafted to combatant units or employed in the zone of active military operations.