HC Deb 16 June 1942 vol 380 c1386
Dr. Haden Guest

May I draw your attention, Mr. Speaker, to an error of substance in the OFFICIAL REPORT of our proceedings on 9th June? [HON. MEMBERS: "Speak up."] On the cover of the copy of the OFFICIAL REPORT which I have appears this statement:


Motion— [Sir Stafford Cripps]—after Debate, agreed to."

In fact, as the report of the proceedings in the OFFICIAL REPORT itself shows, after Debate on a Motion for its Adjournment the Debate was postponed. This is a matter, of substance, to which I draw attention, not for this reason alone, but because there have been lately a number of inaccuracies in the OFFICIAL REPORT, perhaps because those who have to report for the OFFICIAL REPORT have a very difficult duty to perform. I myself was asked just now to speak up: Members do not always speak up I would like to ask whether the Official Reporting staff do not require further assistance in order that mistakes of this kind may not occur. I draw attention to it because at the present time very large numbers of people depend upon the OFFICIAL REPORT for accurate reports of Debates, and it is unfortunate that an error of substance should be in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Mr. Speaker

My attention has been called to the mistake that occurred upon the cover of the OFFICIAL REPORT for 9th June. Hon. Members, having read the Report, will know that the Report quite correctly states that the Debate was adjourned. Hon. Members will be aware that the Official Reporters, like others, have difficulties to contend with and occasionally make mistakes.

Dr. Guest

Would it not be desirable to increase the staff of those who are dealing with this important matter, or otherwise to consider whether they can receive extra assistance? Can that matter be considered?

Mr. Speaker

That matter can undoubtedly be considered.