HC Deb 04 June 1942 vol 380 cc815-6
72. Mr. Thorne

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether he can give any information in connection with the £3,000 sale of sardines, when Mr. S. K. Sequerra was charged at Marylebone on seven summonses relating to tinned sardines alleging sales above controlled price, selling wholesale without a licence and failing on two dates to make the return required from holder of more than 100 cases; and what action he took in the case?

Major Lloyd George

As the answer is somewhat long, I will, with the hon. Member's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the answer:

The person referred to was prosecuted at the instance of the Ministry of Food on 1st June at the Marylebone Police Court on the following summonses:

  1. (a) Two summonses for selling sardines by wholesale above the maximum price.
  2. (b) Sale of sardines in 5 kilo containers without a licence.
  3. (c) Two summonses for selling by wholesale without a licence.
  4. (d) Two summonses for failing to make a return of canned fish to the Ministry of Food.

The two summonses mentioned in (a) were adjourned sine die: the defendant was convicted under (b) and fined £50 and ordered to pay £25 costs. The two summonses under (c) were dismissed and there was a conviction under the two summonses under (d), a fine of £5 being inflicted on each summons.