HC Deb 16 July 1942 vol 381 cc1342-3
29. Mr. W. Brown

asked the Secretary to the Overseas Trade Department how many of the personnel recently found to be redundant are still retained in his Department; and what is the grading and the scale of pay of the officers concerned?

Mr. Harcourt Johnstone (Secretary, Overseas Trade Department)

Out of a number of 96 officers recently notified as available for transfer only 25 now remain. Of these one is due to leave at the end of the month, one is shortly to be called up for military service, and three are due to retire under the age limit in a few weeks' time. Details of grades and salaries will be circulated in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Mr. Brown

In view of the fact that, in reply to an earlier Question, it was revealed that a temporary officer could be transferred from one post, exempt from military service to another, within 24 hours, can the Minister say why it has taken two months to dispose of only three-quarters of the people affected and how long it will take to dispose of the remainder?

Mr. Johnstone

That inquiry should be addressed to the Financial Secretary to the Treasury. The Department does not move its own officers.

Grade. Scale of pay. Remarks.
1 Commercial Secretary, Grade 1 1,200–50–1,500
1 Temporary Principal Officer 800 Due to leave at end of July, 1942.
1 Assistant Officer 250–25–625 Shortly to be called up for military service.
1 Senior Executive Officer (Higher Grade) 750–30–1,000
1 Senior Executive Officer 700–25–860 Due to retire in October, 1942.
2 Senior Staff Officers 650–25–750 One due to retire in September, 1942.
1 Staff Officer 550–25–650 Due to retire in September, 1942.
2 Higher Clerical Officers 400–18–525
1 Chief Superintendent of Typists 300–12–365
2 Clerical Officers At varying rates up to £350.
7 Temporary Clerks
5 Record Keepers and Messengers At varying rates up to 67s. per week.