HC Deb 16 July 1942 vol 381 c1354
54. Sir A. Knox

asked the Minister of Production what was the temperature of our tanks during the recent battles in Libya; and what was the temperature of the enemy tanks during those same battles?

Mr. Boulton (Vice-Chamberlain of the Household)

I have been asked to reply. My right hon. Friend regrets that this information is not available.

Sir A. Knox

Will the right hon. Gentleman make inquiries as to whether there is any truth in the statement that in the recent Battle in Libya the temperature in our tanks was as high as 120 and that in the German tanks was only 80, and also whether there is any truth in the recent statements in the German official news service that Rommel has fitted refrigerator apparatus in his tanks?

Mr. Boulton

My right hon. Friend is of the opinion that in view of the reply which he gave to the hon. and gallant Member on 8th July an inquiry of the Commander-in-Chief at this point is not warranted.

Major Lyons

Will inquiry be made to see whether the statement about, and photograph of, the German air-conditioned tanks printed in the "News Chronicle" three or four days ago are untrue or not, because if that is right, it cuts straight across the statements made in this House by Ministers in the last few days?

Mr. Boulton

I will take a note of that point and convey it to my right hon. Friend.

Sir P. Harris

Will the tight hon. Gentleman telegraph an inquiry to Egypt to find out how much justification there is for these rumours which are being circulated round the country about these tanks being air-conditioned?

Sir William Davison

Do the Government realise that this is a matter of very great urgency, and that it must be settled one way or the other?