HC Deb 01 July 1942 vol 381 cc202-3
36. Mr. Ellis Smith

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of War Transport whether he can make a statement on the panel of investigators set up to inquire into the prices of second-hand motor vehicles?

Captain McEwen

As the House was informed in answer to a Question by my hon. Friend the Member for Denbigh (Sir H. Morris-Jones) on 16th June, my Noble Friend has appointed a Panel of Investigators to inquire into the prices of second-hand vehicles. Their terms of reference are as follow: To consider how far the general level of prices of second-hand motor vehicles or secondhand motor vehicles in any particular category-is above the level of prices prevailing for similar motor vehicles immediately before the war; to what extent any increases in these levels are in general justifiable; and to what extent such increases, if any, are leading to undesirable results. The Panel of Investigators is composed of the following four consulting engineers:

  • Mr. Wm. D. Duncan Connall.
  • Mr. H. V. Stephenson.
  • Mr. W. Jardine.
  • Mr. J. G. Dainty.
The panel have already held preliminary meetings and have started their investigations. They have been asked to report as soon as possible.

Mr. Smith

In view of the time that has elapsed for the necessity for this step to be taken, will the hon. and gallant Gentleman ask them to report as soon as possible, as this matter is one of urgency?

Captain McEwen

They have, as I have already said, been asked to report as soon as possible.

Major Lyons

As no member of the public is on that panel, do I take it that representations received from the public will be considered before it comes to a decision?

Captain McEwen

I will convey that point to my hon. Friend.