§ 27. Mr. Evelyn Walkdenasked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware of the acute shortage of facilities for entertainment on Sundays of men and women serving in the forces in Newark, Nottinghamshire; and whether the competent military authority in the area can be instructed to make the necessary arrangements to secure an immediate remedy?
§ Captain MargessonThe competent military and local government authorities have taken all the requisite steps to permit the opening of public places of amusement on Sunday in Newark, but the proprietors of such places have not availed themselves of the opportunity of opening on Sundays. The military authorities have in conjunction with a committee of the local inhabitants arranged for the giving of an entertainment in the Corn Exchange, Newark, for troops quartered in the vicinity on Sunday nights, and also throughout the week.
§ Mr. WalkdenIs the right hon. and gallant Gentleman aware that that contribution is of only a very moderate 546 character as compared with the ratio of troops who have to be entertained? Cannot he bring pressure to bear upon the monopoly which controls the cinema to do something for the miserable hole which Newark is on a Sunday night?
§ Captain MargessonI appreciate the point the hon. Gentleman has put forward, but I have no power to control cinemas against their will.