HC Deb 04 February 1942 vol 377 cc1172-3
32. Mr. Bossom

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Works and Buildings whether the various Directors of his Ministry are paid or unpaid; and, if paid, what are their salaries and does their work in the Ministry occupy their full time?

Mr. Hicks

Of the nine posts of Departmental Directors created since the Ministry was set up, the following five posts are held by unsalaried Directors: Director of Works, Director of Cement, Director of Labour Requirements and Plant, Director of Roofing and Other Materials, Director of Demolition and Recovery. The remaining four posts are held by salaried Directors: Director of Bricks, £1,400 per annum; Director of Structural Design, £1,000 per annum; Director of Emergency Works, the pay of his military rank; Director of Post-war Building, £1,750 per annum. All the salaried Directors devote their whole time to the work of the Ministry.

Mr. Bossom

Are any of these Directors holding contracts which are of pecuniary benefit to themselves through this Department or any other Department?

Mr. Hicks

I am not able to say that. So far as I know, the answer would be in the negative, very definitely.

Mr. Gallacher

Will these unpaid Directors he entitled to a pension without a means test?

Sir Irving Albcry

Are any of the unpaid Directors remunerated by their firms while they are employed by the Ministry?

Mr. Hicks

So far as I am aware, none of them lives on air. I imagine that they are getting a salary from somewhere.