HC Deb 08 December 1942 vol 385 c1424
22. Mr. Ness Edwards

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power whether he is aware of the grave dissatisfaction existing amongst the workers engaged in the by-product plants owned by the coalowners and situated on colliery premises, arising out of the refusal to apply the Greene Award to these workers; and whether he has any statement to make thereon?

Major Lloyd George

I understand that in some areas additions have been made, following the Greene award, to the wages to workers in coke ovens, but in South Wales, which I assume my hon. Friend has in mind, the question was referred to an independent arbitrator appointed by the parties, who decided, after hearing all the facts of the case, that there should not be any additional payment.

Mr. Edwards

Is not the Minister aware that the workers in South Wales are the only group in the by-product industry who do not get this increase, and that there is grave dissatisfaction which may burst out any day, despite the formal legal findings of the arbitrator? Will he take steps to see that the men are satisfied?

Major Lloyd George

I am prepared to do anything I can, but, as my hon. Friend realises, both parties agreed to arbitration, and the decision was made on that point. I am aware that other districts are receiving this award. I have been asked to receive a deputation, and this I am prepared to do.

Mr. Edwards

Will the right hon. and gallant Gentleman remember that it is extremely difficult to keep these men working on very important work, and will he expedite the talks which are now going on?