HC Deb 23 October 1941 vol 374 cc1906-7
59. Mr. Henderson Stewart

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what steps have been taken to steady the prices and control the distribution of store cattle to be imported from Ireland and so prevent excessive competition for supplies by Scottish farmers and excessive profits going to Irish breeders?

The Secretary of State for Scotland (Mr. T. Johnston)

It is difficult to see how competition for a limited supply can be avoided. On the other hand, it is obvious that even the limited supply of imports which will be available will have the effect of reducing prices.

Mr. Stewart

Is my right hon. Friend aware that inordinately high prices have been paid this autumn for store cattle? Farmers are buying regardless of price, and in view of the limited supply, is it not the Government's job to buy all the Irish store cattle necessary and distribute it? In that way the Government and not the Irish would get the profit.

Mr. Johnston

Possibly there might be an Import Purchasing Board, but there would be the difficulty of distributing the limited supply of animals which that Board would purchase.

Mr. Buchanan

Owing to the limited supply of Irish store cattle and the fact that prices have risen enormously and that distribution is not thereby solved, would not my right hon. Friend take steps, seeing that the public have to pay the prices, to control prices and see that distribution is made equable?

Mr. Johnston

I have already said that it is an exceedingly difficult administrative matter. Very often foot-and-mouth disease conditions have caused supplies to be concentrated in certain areas, but they will be gradually released now.

Mr. Buchanan

Was not my right hon. Friend put there to solve difficulties?

Mr. Stewart

Have not the Government applied their minds to the distribution problem? Is it too difficult? Have they given up hope of finding a solution to this distribution problem?

Mr. De la B¸re

Are not difficulties made to be overcome?

Mr. Stewart

In view of the unsatisfactory nature of the reply, I beg to give notice that I shall raise the matter on the Adjournment at the first opportunity.