HC Deb 16 October 1941 vol 374 cc1492-3
51. Mr. Douglas

asked the Minister of Health whether he will publish a consolidated summary of the Acts and Regulations relating to old age and widows' pensions, respectively, for the assistance of the many persons concerned?

Mr. E. Brown

I am satisfied that in present circumstances the publication of such a summary would not be justified. Leaflets explaining the conditions for the award of old age and widows' pensions are available at all post offices.

55. Mr. McNeil

asked the Minister of Health how many additional applications from old age pensioners he estimated would be made following the annulment of the household means test on 1st July, 1941; for how many the Assistance Board made staff preparations; and whether since the number of supplementary pensions has risen by only 100,000 by the end of July, he has any explanation to offer for the difference?

Mr. Brown

The Assistance Board inform me that they made their arrangements on the basis that the number of new supplementary pensions resulting from the new legislation might reach 250,000. There were, however, no data on which a close estimate could be based. The Board are making inquiries into the extent to which pensioners who applied unsuccessfully for supplementary pensions under the previous Regulations may have failed to realise that a fresh application is necessary if they wish their cases to be reconsidered. As I stated in reply to a Question by my hon. Friend the Member for Llanelly (Mr. J. Griffiths) on Tuesday last, the number of persons already receiving supplementary pensions who benefited from the provisions of the new legislation up to August last was about 216,000.

Mr. McNeil

Is the Minister aware that it is my experience, and the experience of many Members of this House, that these pensioners are not aware of their new rights and will he take steps to publicise their rights before the onset of winter?

Mr. Brown

I will do my best, and I am obliged to the hon. Member for raising the matter. I am sure it will do good. I would like to inform the House that the Board have decided to examine all "nil" cases with a view to making a further approach to pensioners who appear to be entitled to a supplementary pension.