HC Deb 16 October 1941 vol 374 cc1500-1
73. Mr. Thorne

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether he can give any information in connection with foodstuffs salvaged after air raids, stored in the Ministry's depots, and then disposed of to firms engaged in illicit dealings in foodstuffs?

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food (Major Lloyd George)

No, Sir. Foodstuffs which have been damaged in this country as a result of enemy action are, as a general rule, disposed of by my Department, through reliable trade channels. While occasional small parcels may have passed into undesirable hands, I have no certain knowledge of any such cases.

Mr. Evelyn Walkden

Is it a fact that these auctions are still allowed to continue, and that any person may enter and bid for commodities which are salvaged?

Major Lloyd George

I should not think so. If the hon. Member knows of a case, I shall be glad to hear of it. Now that there is licensing, I think it is still less likely.

Mr. Walkden

I will communicate with the right hon. and gallant Gentleman.