HC Deb 15 October 1941 vol 374 c1357
35. Dr. Russell Thomas

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs whether he can give information in regard to the numbers employed at the German Legation in Eire?

Mr. George Hall

I have been asked to reply. I understand that the official staff of the German Legation in Eire is composed of six persons, together with three typists.

Dr. Thomas

Can my hon. Friend say what is the nationality of these employees?

Mr. Hall

No, Sir. I could not say without notice.

Mr. G. Strauss

Could the Minister say what the unofficial staff consists of?

Mr. Hall

No, Sir. I have no knowledge of the unofficial staff. I am dealing with the official staff.

Mr. Logan

Can the hon. Gentleman tell me what use they are there?

Mr. Noel Baker

Can the hon. Gentle-may say whether the German Government also maintain consulates in different parts of Ireland, including the ports?

Dr. Thomas

Can my hon. Friend give any information as to whether the employees have passports allowing them to cross over the Ulster border?