HC Deb 08 October 1941 vol 374 cc992-3
64. Mr. Evelyn Walkden

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether the notices announcing "No chips sold without fish," of which he has been informed and which are exhibited by fish fryers in many towns, constitute a violation of the Conditions of Sale Order, No. 2012; and what action he proposes to take to deal with such offenders?

Major Lloyd George

While such a question can be determined authoritatively only by a court, I am advised that the provisions of the Food (Conditions of Sale) Order are not applicable to the sale by a fish fryer of cooked fish and potatoes.

Mr. Walkden

Is the Minister aware that as a result of this practice soldiers in billets or in camps have to spend 10d. or 1s. in order to buy a supper, and that it is a smart trick on the part of the fish fryers, which is operating to the detriment of the soldiers?

Major Lloyd George

I am aware of what my hon. Friend refers to, and the matter is receiving very active consideration, but he will realise that there would be difficulty in applying the Order relating to conditions of sale to a catering establishment. We appreciate the point and are looking into it and hope to be able to deal with it.

Viscountess Astor

Is it not true that if there is; a good British Restaurant in the neighbourhood the soldiers could get a good meal for 1s., or in some cases for 9d.?