HC Deb 08 October 1941 vol 374 cc969-70
25. Mr. Davidson

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Works and Buildings whether he will make a statement regarding the resignation of Mr. Mitchell, of Wimpeys, Limited, from the post of Controller of Building Trades Material; and whether the office is now extinct?

Mr. Hicks

Yes, Sir. Before the introduction of the system of payment by results at the beginning of July, it was decided to take special precautions to prevent risk of shortage of materials on sites. This was a matter of organisation and transport and Mr. Mitchell was invited to take on the job for the specific purpose, and for a period of three months, subject to review at the end of that period. At the end of the period, Mr. Mitchell was, I am glad to say, able to report that in his opinion no serious risk any longer existed of shortage of principal materials. In these circumstances he felt that he had completed his task. The Minister is much indebted to Mr. Mitchell for giving his time to this important work.

Mr. Davidson

Am I to take it that Mr. Mitchell has left with the Ministry a complete scheme for the elimination of any system whereby there will be created a shortage of building materials? Have the Ministry got that scheme?

Mr. Hicks

I think it would be assuming too much if I agreed with what the hon. Member has said. A scheme was in existence before Mr. Mitchell came to the Ministry. He was put in charge of it to see that it was perfected. He worked at it for three months, and was able to report that, in his opinion, no shortage was immediately likely to arise.

Mr. Davidson

May I take it that there is a scheme in the Ministry definitely for the purpose of avoiding any wastage or any lack of building trade materials being brought about?

Mr. Hicks

Yes, Sir.

Mr. Garro Jones

Is the Minister aware of the widespread dissatisfaction that exists that the representative of a firm holding contracts to the value of £40,000,000 should have had such a position?

Mr. Hicks

That does not arise out of the Question, but it is fallacious to make such a statement about a firm having £40,000,000 of work.

Mr. Garro Jones

Can the Ministry deny it?

Mr. Hicks


Mr. Davidson

Does the Minister bring in the subsidiary companies of Wimpeys?