HC Deb 26 November 1941 vol 376 c737
27. Mr. Harvey

asked the Undersecretary of State for the Colonies whether he can state the average wage paid to labourers on pyrethrum plantations in Kenya?

Mr. George Hall

My Noble Friend is inquiring of the Governor of Kenya regarding the wage rates paid on pyrethrum estates, and my hon. Friend will be informed when a reply has been received.

28. Mr. Harvey

asked the Undersecretary of State for the Colonies what is the value of the pyrethrum crop grown in Kenya last year or during the latest period for which information is available; whether its cultivation without licence is illegal; if so, what is the reason for this restriction; what is the cost of a licence; how many licences have been granted to Europeans and Africans, respectively; and whether any obstacles prevent Africans from obtaining a licence?

Mr. Hall

As the answer contains figures, I will, with my hon. Friend's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Mr. Harvey

Could the hon. Gentleman say now whether there is any prohibition on African growers?

Mr. Hall

No, Sir, there is not.

Following is the answer:

The quantity of pyrethrum produced in Kenya in 1940 was 5,860 tons and exports amounted to 4,886 tons valued at £625,985. The growing of pyrethrum for sale is prohibited without a licence. This measure was introduced in order to control production and to facilitate the maintenance of the quality of the product. A licence costs 50s. and is valid for one year. I have no information regarding the number of licences granted to Europeans and Africans respectively. As pyrethrum is a plantation crop, the number of African producers is not likely to be large. There is nothing in the Pyrethrum Ordinance to exclude them from the industry.

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