§ 73. Mr. Emrys-Evansasked the Minister of Information, whether his attention has been drawn to the recent appointment of Mr. Robert Foot, of the Gas Light and Coke Company, as adviser to the British Broadcasting Corporation; and whether this appointment has the approval of the Government?
§ Mr. BrackenYes, Sir. I am fully consulted by the Chairman and Governors of the B.B.C. about Mr. Foot's appointment, and he enjoys the confidence and support of the Government in his new position. Mr. Foot has not been appointed to an executive post in the Corporation, but it is intended that his advice should be available to the Chairman and Governors on all matters connected with its wartime organisation. I should like to take this opportunity of expressing the gratitude of the Government to the Gas Light and Coke Company for having agreed to lend Mr. Foot for this important task.