HC Deb 25 November 1941 vol 376 c582
20. Mr. Maxton

asked the Secretary of State for War the nature of the communication sent out by the War Office to the various commands throughout the country which has created the widespread belief that officers over 41 years of age are not wanted in the Army?

Captain Margesson

I have been unable to trace any communication from the War Office which would bear this interpretation. The nearest thing I can find is a message sent out early in September that consideration was being given to the question of the age at which officers should be appointed to command combatant units. If the hon. Member has some other communication in mind I should be glad if he would send me sufficient further details to enable me to identify it.

Mr. Maxton

Is the right hon. and gallant Gentleman aware that I have had communications from seven different officers in different parts of the country telling men that after 41 years of age they are too old and they are to make arrangements for getting back into civil life?

Captain Margesson

I have tried to help the hon. Member in the matter, and I cannot find any such communication. The only document coming anywhere near it is the one to which I have referred. If the hon. Member has further particulars, perhaps he will communicate them.