HC Deb 25 November 1941 vol 376 cc581-2
18. Sir John Mellor

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he will revise Home Guard battalion establishments so as to include three whole-time paid female clerks, who shall wear uniform?

Captain Margesson

Clerical assistance for Home Guard battalions is provided by Territorial Army Associations, and no definite establishment is laid down in view of the wide variations in the requirements of different battalions. As the Home Guard is an unpaid force, it does not permit of the enrolment in it of personnel drawing salaries and rendering clerical service only.

Sir J. Mellor

Is my right hon. Friend aware that the amount of paper work which Home Guard battalion headquarters have to get through is a serious handicap to the attention that they can give to training?

Captain Margesson

I am doing all I can to reduce the amount of paper work.

Dr. Summerskill

Why does the right hon. Gentleman encourage women to help the Army but discourage them from helping the Home Guard?

Captain Margesson

There is no question of discouraging women.

23. Major Lloyd

asked the Secretary of State for War whether his attention has been called to the proposal that instructive films should be used in Home Guard training; whether full consideration has been given to this matter; and what decision has been reached?

Captain Margesson

Training films have been available for the Home Guard for over a year and can be obtained from Command and Area libraries. The method of obtaining and showing training films has been set out in a Home Guard Training Instruction, and the full catalogue of films has been issued to Home Guard battalion commanders.