HC Deb 28 May 1941 vol 371 cc1857-8
60. Mr. Glenvil Hall

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether he will indicate what are the functions of the Consultative Council, set up last year by his Ministry, in connection with the Food Education Movement; the organisations which have accepted invitations to serve thereon; and the number of times the council has met?

Major Lloyd George

The Consultative Council was set up by the Minister to obtain the assistance of the organisations concerned in giving guidance to the public on the best use of food and to advise and assist the Ministry in launching the Kitchen Front Campaign. Thirty-seven organisations are represented on the council. I am sending my hon. Friend a list. There are also 12 individual members, making a total of 49. The Consultative Council met on two occasions, 22nd May and 23rd July, 1940.

61. Mr. Glenvil Hall

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food when the three sub-committees on Publicity, Education and Consumers' Problems, set up under the Consultative Council of his Ministry, last met; and the occasions upon which their advice has been sought by his Ministry?

Major Lloyd George

The sub-committee on food education met on nth October last. Meetings of the other two committees have not yet taken place. Informal discussions have, however, taken place with individual members.

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