HC Deb 26 March 1941 vol 370 cc583-4
48. Mr. T. Henderson

asked the Minister of Supply what applications have been made to his Department for a supply of steel for the purpose of erecting new plant for the manufacture of paper from straw from firms in England; whether he is aware that paper manufacturing firms in Scotland have the necessary plant but are unable to use it to its full capacity, mainly due to the high price of straw and shortage of supplies; and what steps he proposes to take to employ this plant?

Sir A. Duncan

Applications for steel to extend existing plant to produce paper from straw have been granted to several mills both in England and in Scotland. I am aware that a shortage of straw has affected the production of some mills in Scotland; but I hope that as a result of recent agreements between farmers and papermakers on the price of straw, and as more straw becomes available, all paper mills which can use straw will be able to make full use of their capacity.

49. Mr. Henderson

asked the Minister of Supply, whether he is aware that large quantities of straw for paper-making purposes are being loaded at railway depots in the South of Scotland and carried to East and South England, while the same material for the same purpose is being carried from the South and West of England to paper manufacturers in Scotland; and whether he will examine this waste of railway transport service?

Sir A. Duncan

My information is that no paper-making straw has been taken from the South of Scotland to England, but that small quantities have been taken from England to Scotland because of a shortage of straw for paper-making in Scotland. Every effort will be made to reduce transport of paper-making straw to the minimum.