§ 17. Sir Frank Sandersonasked the Minister of Health whether his attention has been drawn to the case of a man fined 10s. for not carrying his identity card; and whether he will again consider the inclusion of a photograph and other passport details, so that it may be a more satisfactory proof of identity?
§ Mr. E. BrownProceedings have been instituted and penalties imposed in a number of cases for failure to produce an identity card within the period allowed under the National Registration Act and Regulations, though I am not aware to what particular case my hon. Friend refers. In reply to the latter part of the Question, I would refer my hon. Friend to the very full statement by my predecessor which was circulated in the OFFICIAL REPORT of 11th July last.
§ Sir F. SandersonIs my right hon. Friend aware that it is generally conceded that the present identity card is a worthless article, and will he not consider the issuing of an identity card which includes 272 a photograph, the date of birth and also the nationality of the holder?
§ Mr. BrownPerhaps my hon. Friend will first look at the very long answer to which I have referred and then communicate with me.
§ Sir F. SandersonIs my right hon. Friend aware that I know of the reply to which he makes reference, and that it is not accepted by the public as a whole, who take a very serious view of the matter of these identity cards?
§ Mr. SorensenHow does the hon. Member know what the public think?
§ Sir John MellorCould not some description at least of the holder be included?
§ Mr. BrownThat point was explained very fully in the answer to which I have referred. At the moment I am not able to add to that very full reply.
§ Mr. WoodburnWould it not be a perfectly simple method of checking to make a person write his signature and compare it with the signature on the identity card?
§ Mr. R. GibsonWould it not be still simpler and more effective to have the person's thumb-print?