HC Deb 13 March 1941 vol 369 c1415
43. Mr. Simmonds

asked the Minister of Supply the percentage of fire watchers Upon Ministry of Supply property who are unpaid; and whether those who are paid are all whole-time fire watchers?

Mr. Macmillan

I regret that the information asked for is not available, but in the ordinary non-industrial buildings we have no persons directly employed as paid fire watchers. In the industrial establishments, ordinary operatives engaged on fire-watching duty are not paid as fire watchers, but may be drawing their ordinary wages for the time they are on such duty. Conditions vary widely, and in some cases ordinary employés have been supplemented by whole-time paid watchers.

Mr. Simmonds

Does that mean that very frequently those who do a day's work in the Department are being paid overtime rates for fire watching?

Mr. Macmillan

I was asked about property.

Mr. Simmonds

Yes, the property of the Department.

Mr. Macmillan

My hon. Friend will realise that the property directly under the control of the Department is of a very varied kind. In certain storage depots, for instance, where the fire risk is very great, we have to engage full-time watchers.