§ 43. Mr. Garro Jonesasked the Home Secretary whether his Department has agreed to nominate any of its officers to serve on the General Council of Affiliated Spotters' Clubs; if so, what is the constitution of the rest of the Council; and 324 whether the Ministry is sponsoring meetings in the London region, with a view to encouraging the formation of spotters' clubs?
§ Mr. H. MorrisonI have agreed that one of my officers should accept the honorary post of President of the Affiliated Spotters' Clubs, and though officers of the Ministry will not be members of the General Council, they will from time to time attend its meetings. The General Council will, I understand, be composed of one representative of each of the Regional Councils (which, in turn, are composed of one representative from each club in the Region) and a small number of officials of the Council. Meetings have been held in London Region to encourage the formation of spotters' clubs, and these meetings have received the support of the Regional representatives of the Ministry.
§ Mr. Garro JonesIs my right hon. Friend aware that this is a rather unusual and odd piece of machinery. for taking part—a very important part—in our national defence, and will he assure himself that the security officer he has appointed will attend the meetings of the General Council?
§ Mr. MorrisonI will do what I can about that, but the officer has other duties. I entirely agree with my hon. Friend that this is a voluntary movement of the people that should have every encouragement.