HC Deb 03 July 1941 vol 372 cc1474-5
19. Mr. Isaacs

asked the Home Secretary how many mayors of London boroughs have been killed, and how many injured in air-raids on the Metropolis?

Mr. H. Morrison

Two mayors of the Metropolitan boroughs have been killed in air raids and one has sustained minor injuries.

Viscountess Astor

Is it not true that. while most of the mayors of London were magnificent, some of the local councils did not stand up to the air raids?

Mr. Morrison

This Question arises out of a statement made in this House which I think was exceedingly unfair.

Viscountess Astor

Is it not true that I have asked to be allowed to apologise to the House that I used the word "mayors" instead of the words "local councils''?

Mr. Isaacs

Is there the slightest foundation for any allegation that the councils of London have been more remiss in their duty than the councils anywhere else?

Mr. Morrison

Generally speaking, members of local councils have shown a very keen sense of public duty, and I have no reason to believe that London has been any less conscientious in that matter than any other part of the country.