59. Miss Lloyd Georgeasked the Minister of Health whether he is now in a position to announce the names of the committee on the salaries of nurses: and whether the terms of reference to the committee will cover nurses in sanatoria, mid-wives and health visitors?
§ Mr. E. BrownYes, Sir. I will circulate a list of the members in the OFFICIAL REPORT. The Committee held its first meeting on 27th November. It is my intention that in regard to sanatoria and tuberculosis hospitals the Committee's scope should extend to nurses possessing or in training for the certificate of the Tuberculosis Association, and that it should also extend to health visitors. Before the scope is so extended it may be necessary to make some adjustments in the Committee. I am consulting the appropriate Associations in regard to this matter.
I have decided to set up a separate Committee to draw up agreed scales of salaries for midwives on a national basis, and I am consulting the appropriate associations of employers and employees. I am glad to be able to say that Lord Rushcliffe has expressed his readiness to act as Chairman of the Committee for Midwives as well as of that for nurses. Some nurses' and midwives' posts involve the practice both of nursing and of midwifery, and I shall request the Committees to consult together before making recommendations in regard to overlapping matters of this kind.
§ Following is the list of members:
§ Chairman, The Right Hon. Lord Rushcliffe, G.B.E.
§ British Hospitals Association (in consultation with the King Edward's Hospital Fund for London and the Nuffield Trust).
- Sir Bernard Docker, K.B.E.
- Miss M. M. Edwards.
- Mr. S. Clayton Fryers.
- Mr. G. G. Panter
- Mr. S. P. Richardson, J. P.
- Mr. J. P. Wetenhall.
§ County Councils Association.
- Sir Wynne Cemlyn-Jones.
- Mr. W. B. Cartwright.
- Mr. A. L. Hobhouse.
- Dr. W. A. Bullough.
§ Association of Municipal Corporations.
- Alderman Sir George Martin, K.B.E., J.P.
- Alderman E. C. Parr, J.P.
- Mr. J. Lythgoe.
- Dr. Cyril Banks.
§ London County Council.
- J. W. Bowen, Esq., C.B.E., J.P.
- Dr. Somerville Hastings, M.S., F.R.C.S.
- Dr. W. Allen Daley.
§ Urban District Councils Association.
- Mr. E. C. King.
§ Rural District Councils Association.
- Mr. E. A. Cross, M.B.E., J.P.
§ Queen's Institute of District Nursing.
- Lady Richmond.
§ Royal College of Nursing.
- Miss I. B. Clunas.
- Miss G. V. Hillyers.
- Miss M. F. Hughes.
- Mrs. E. O. Jackson
- Miss M. Wilmshurst.
- Miss I. H. Charley.
- Miss F. Taylor.
- Miss M. Wenden.
- Miss F. G. Goodall.
§ Trades Union Congress.
- Miss D. M. Elliott.
- Mr. G. Gibson.
- Miss H. M. Gray.
- Mr. A. Moyle.
- Miss D. Westmacott.
§ National Association of Local Government Officers.
- Mr. H. Allen.
- Mr. A. G. Bolton.
- Mr. C. A. W. Roberts, M.B.E.
§ Royal British Nurses' Association.
- Miss Isabel Macdonald.
§ British College of Nurses.
- Miss M. S. Cochrane, R.R.C., S.R.N.
§ Association of Hospital Matrons.
- Miss Helen Dey, O.B.E., R.R.C.
§ Mr. MesserWill this committee also consider the questions of emoluments, residence, uniform and superannuation?