HC Deb 11 December 1941 vol 376 c1666
32. Sir Patrick Hannon

asked the Home Secretary the number of new clubs which have, since the commencement of the war, been registered throughout the country, and the number which have ceased to exist or been struck off the register?

Mr. H. Morrison

I regret that these particulars are not available, and to obtain particulars for the whole of Great Britain would involve much labour which I am anxious to avoid in present circumstances. I am, however, collecting some information as to the position in some of the large cities.

Sir P. Hannon

Is my right hon. Friend keeping a careful watch on the development of these mushroom clubs which are springing up all over the country?

Mr. Morrison

Yes, Sir.

Mr. Thorne

Do I take it that the Minister is not opposed to any of these clubs so long as they behave themselves?

Mr. Morrison

That is so, but there has been a tendency during the war for objectionable clubs to come into existence.

Dr. Russell Thomas

What does the Minister mean by "objectionable"?