HC Deb 06 August 1941 vol 373 cc1952-3
57. Sir Leonard Lyle

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether he will instruct food committees to rule that if any small trader can establish that he does not merely wish to obtain rationed food for his family he can, even if he has fewer than 25 registered customers, be allowed to continue to earn his living as a purveyor of rationed food?

Major Lloyd George

No, Sir, I see no reason to add to the instructions already issued to the food control committees in accordance with the statement made on 22nd July in response to a Question put by my hon. and gallant Friend the Member for Kettering (Captain Profumo). Committees have been instructed to examine any case where a retailer claims that he would suffer hardship if he were unable to retain his registrations, and I am satisfied that the committees may be trusted to carry out this duty without any further instructions such as my hon. Friend suggests.

Sir L. Lyle

Is not the position most unsatisfactory, as the small trader is being left to the tender mercies of the food officials, who have been given confidential instructions by my right hon. and gallant Friend, which he refuses to lay on the Table of the House, so that we do not know what the position is?

Major Lloyd George

I do not think my hon. Friend or the small trader need worry very much about that. Instructions have been given, and the matter is in the hands of the food control committees, who are not appointed by the Ministry but by the local authorities.

Mr. Evelyn Walkden

And the traders.

Major Lloyd George

Yes, there are five traders and 10 others on the committee. I have seen the instructions myself, and I am perfectly satisfied that the legitimate trader has no need to fear.

Sir L. Lyle

Would it not be better to lay the instructions on the Table, or else to leave the small trader where he was before?

Mr. E. Walkden

Do not the local food committees already know exactly what the position is, and can they not protect the small trader if they wish to do so?

Major Lloyd George

That is so, and that is why I have no fear that any hardship will be inflicted upon the small trader.

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