HC Deb 06 August 1941 vol 373 cc1953-4
58. Mr. G. Griffiths

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether he will arrange to allow an egg per-day and a bigger ration of bacon for all diabetics who produce a doctor's note to state they need it?

Major Lloyd George

Diabetics are already allowed two extra meat and two extra butter and margarine rations per week in exchange for their sugar ration, and I am advised that no further concession is necessary at the present time.

Mr. Griffiths

Is not the Parliamentary Secretary aware that eggs are really the backbone of the diet of the diabetic, that until eggs became scarce as many as 10 eggs a week were allowed to such people on a doctor's note, and cannot the Minister see his way clear at least to give diabetics one egg per day?

Major Lloyd George

I need not tell my hon. Friend that we are sympathetic towards the people he has mentioned. We are advised in all these matters by our medical advisers, and I cannot say more than that this question is at the moment under consideration.

Mr. Griffiths

But was not the Ministry advised by its medical men once before when I put a Question in the House, when they were proved wrong and had to be asked to think again?

Major Lloyd George

I quite agree to asking them to do that.