HC Deb 05 August 1941 vol 373 c1784
57. Mr. Robertson

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether there is complete co-ordination between his Department and the Ministry of War Transport in regard to the reception, discharge, transportation and storage of frozen food cargoes?

Major Lloyd George

Yes, Sir.

Mr. Robertson

Is the right hon. and gallant Gentleman aware that barges containing frozen meat were kept in the river for many days, and is it any use to clear ships speedily and have the frozen produce transported speedily by road or rail if it is allowed to go bad in the river?

Major Lloyd George

I do not know what case the hon. Member has in mind. There are two Questions later in the week dealing with this subject. If he is talking of the river in London, the position was entirely due to labour difficulties.

Mr. Robertson

Ought not these labour difficulties to have been foreseen in advance, and are not the arrangements stated in the Question essential if this job is to be properly done?

Major Lloyd George

If labour difficulties could be foreseen, there would not be labour difficulties.

Mr. Robertson

Is it not a question of making adequate provision beforehand?