HC Deb 15 October 1940 vol 365 cc587-8
37. Miss Rathbone

asked the Home Secretary how many aliens are still in alien internment camps; how many have been released; how many have already been dealt with by the tribunal appointed to consider cases under Category 19; and whether, in view of the large number of claims likely to prove suitable for reference to the aforementioned tribunal, he will consider either appointing additional tribunals or increasing the membership of the existing tribunal and permitting it to sit in sections, as already permitted to the advisory committee dealing with British Fascists and other British detainees?

Mr. Peake

Approximately 14,400 Germans, Austrians and Italians are still in internment camps in the United Kingdom. About 5,200 have been released since the White Paper was issued. I am informed that 17 cases under Category 19 have already been dealt with and some 50 others partly considered by the tribunal. I will bear in mind the hon. Lady's suggestion in the fourth part of the Question if the number of applications for release under Category 19 appears likely to lead to serious delay in consideration by one tribunal.

Mr. Stokes

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that at that rate it will take 60 years to hear these cases?

Mr. Peake

No, Sir. That is certainly not the case.

Miss Rathbone

Is it not clear that there are certainly several thousands of these cases which should be considered, and if they are all to be gone into, is it not obvious that it will take an immense amount of time to do so?

Mr. Peake

In point of fact, the number of persons who have made out prima facie cases for Category 19, is much smaller than the hon. Lady suggests.

Mr. G. Strauss

Can the hon. Gentleman say, approximately, how many applications in regard to Category 19 have been made?

Mr. Peake

I am afraid I cannot.