HC Deb 28 May 1940 vol 361 cc412-3
Dr. Little

asked the Prime Minister what definite steps have been taken, in conjunction with the Government of Eire, to safeguard their coast and aerodromes against enemy attacks; and what measures have been concerted to prevent the landing of parachutists within their territory which would be a menace to the United Kingdom and, in particular, to Northern Ireland?

Mr. Attlee

I would refer my hon. Friend to the statement which I made in reply to my hon. Friends the Members for Salford, West (Mr. Emery) and Denbigh (Sir H. Morris-Jones) on 23rd May, to which I have nothing to add.

Sir W. Davison

Has my right hon. Friend's attention been drawn to the statement which has just been made by Mr. De Valera that Eire is now within the war zone; and does he not think that, apart from the giving of information, it is very desirable that this country and Eire should co-ordinate arrangements to deal with any possible attack that may occur, instead of waiting until troops have been landed?

Dr. Little

May I ask the Lord Privy Seal, arising out of his answer, whether in view of the urgency of the need for co-operation steps will be taken immediately to meet the threat of the enemy and prevent it being put into execution?

Mr. Attlee

I have nothing to add to the statement which I have already made on this question.

Sir W. Davison

Surely this is a matter of very grave importance about which the House is most anxious to be informed?

Mr. Speaker

We cannot debate the question.

Sir W. Davison

I am only asking whether the British Government are taking steps to co-ordinate these arrangements?

Mr. Speaker

That is a Question which should be put on the Paper.