HC Deb 23 May 1940 vol 361 c278
7. Mr. McGovern

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Labour whether he has arranged or proposes to take the necessary steps to abolish the means test, and, if so, at what date will the change take place?

Mr. Assheton

No, Sir.

Mr. McGovern

Has this question been discussed by the new Government, and, if not, is it to be discussed in the near future, with a view to abolishing this means test, which is causing such tremendous tragedies throughout the working classes?

Mr. Assheton

That question is not on the Paper.

Mr. McGovern

Will the hon. Gentleman draw the attention of the Minister of Labour to the fact that all Labour conferences have decided to end this means test and that we expect that he will take steps to end it at the earliest possible moment?