HC Deb 19 March 1940 vol 358 c1784
8. Mr. Robert Gibson

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that Private Charles Liddell was passed into the Army as Grade I though he was very deaf; that, in spite of certificates from former employers regarding his deafness, he was retained for service in that grade; that ultimately, on 23rd February, 1940, he was examined by a medical board and sent home next day; that he has received no pay or allowances since that date; that after arrival home he was examined by a specialist and sent to Glasgow Victoria Infirmary where he was operated on; whether he is to be discharged; and when payment will be made to him?

Mr. Stanley

I am making inquiries and will write to the hon. and learned Member as soon as possible.

Mr. Gibson

Will the right hon. Gentleman bear in mind that this Question was put back for a week in order that he might make inquiries? Has he not made inquiries, and has he not got the information from me that this man has been operated on and is in a critical condition in a hospital, the name of which I have given him?

Mr. Stanley

The hon. and learned Gentleman has asked a number of questions. I said that I have not received full particulars.

Mr. Gibson

Will the right hon. Gentleman give us the particulars which he has?