HC Deb 18 March 1940 vol 358 cc1614-6
3. Mr. Arthur Henderson

asked the Prime Minister whether he will give an assurance that the Finnish Government will not be prejudiced when the Peace Conference comes to be held by reason of their having accepted the peace terms laid down by Russia?

Mr. Butler

It is not possible to forecast at this date the scope of the Peace Conference, nor what His Majesty's Government can undertake to achieve thereat.

Mr. Henderson

Will the right hon. Gentleman give an assurance that, as a result of the Finnish Government having signed a peace treaty, it is not the intention of His Majesty's Government to withhold their interest in any just claim made by the Finnish Government?

Mr. Butler

I cannot go further than my answer.

5. Mr. A. Henderson

asked the Prime Minister whether His Majesty's Government are willing to render all possible forms of assistance, financial or otherwise, to the Finnish Government, which may be required to further the reconstruction of Finland?

8. Mr. G. Strauss

asked the Prime Minister whether he is now in a position to make any further statement on M. Daladier's announcement on 12th March respecting the sending of an expeditionary force to Finland?

9. Mr. Cary

asked the Prime Minister whether, following the invasion of Finland by Russia on 28th November, he will give to the House the date on which the Government first considered the possibilities of giving material help in men to Finland?

Mr. Butler

I would ask the hon. Members to be good enough to await the statement which the Prime Minister is to make in the Debate to-morrow afternoon.

7. Mr. Thorne

asked the Prime Minister the number of square miles of land and lakes that have been annexed by Russia from Finland under the peace settlement?

Mr. Butler

The precise frontiers have not yet been fixed, so statistics are not available.

Mr. Thorne

Will the Minister be able to give us these statistics when the House meets after the Easter Adjournment?

Mr. Butler

As soon as I can, I hope to give the hon. Member the exact figures he desires.

46. Sir Archibald Sinclair

asked the Prime Minister first, the quantity of guns, distinguishing between the various calibres, anti-aircraft guns, anti-tank guns, anti-tank rifles, hand grenades and small-arms ammunition and aeroplanes, promised by His Majesty's Government to Finland; secondly, in the case of each category of material, the amount despatched during or before the week ended 9th March; and, thirdly, in the case of each category, the amount which arrived in Finland during or before the same week?

The Prime Minister (Mr. Chamberlain)

Perhaps the right hon. Gentleman would be good enough to await the statement which I propose to make to-morrow, in which I shall deal with this matter.

Sir A. Sinclair

Does the Prime Minister mean that he will be good enough to give the information asked for?

The Prime Minister

I will give sufficient information, I hope, to satisfy the right hon. Gentleman.