HC Deb 13 March 1940 vol 358 cc1177-8
32. Captain Strickland

asked the Minister of Transport what statements he has received from manufacturers that they were unaware of the closing of Coventry goods station against the reception of consignments until they caused inquiry to be made into the reason for non-delivery to their customers; and whether in these cases he is satisfied that the manufacturers were warned by the railway companies by means of cartage foremen, carters, motor-drivers, or other responsible representatives?

Mr. Bernays

My hon. and gallant Friend has sent me representations from seven traders in regard to 21 consignments to Coventry which were delayed during the month of February. In the case of only seven of the consignments was there any indication that the consignor was not informed of the restriction on acceptance of goods for Coventry. I am making inquiries into these cases and will communicate with my hon. and gallant Friend.

Captain Strickland

Will my hon. Friend promise that in future, if it becomes necessary to close important stations, due public notice shall be given in the most public manner available?

Mr. Bernays

Yes, Sir, and I have drawn the hon. and gallant Member's Question to the attention of the Railway Executive Committee, but he will appreciate that the railways for two months have been operating under exceptional difficulties.

35. Captain Strickland

asked the Minister of Transport whether he will cause investigation to be made into the cause of the inefficient transport and distribution of coal in Coventry, which is inflicting grave hardship on householders and the manufacturers?

Mr. Bernays

Although transport was unavoidably impeded during the severe weather in January and February, inquiries have not shown that there are at present any transport difficulties in connection with the supply and distribution of coal at Coventry. I am informed by my hon. Friend, the Secretary for Mines, that the statutory restriction on household supplies to 2 cwts. per week was lifted in Coventry three weeks ago. All applications recently made for supplementary fuel rations for coal transport by road in the Coventry area have been granted.

Captain Strickland

Is my hon. Friend aware of the utterly inadequate capacity of Coventry station to deal with coal, goods or passenger traffic?

Mr. Bernays

No, Sir.