HC Deb 11 March 1940 vol 358 cc820-1
29. Mr. J. Morgan

asked the Minister of Food whether in view of the high proficiency reached by the graders of sheep, he is now prepared to grade and pay for all pigs on a live weight basis at the collecting centres, and so avoid several grounds for dissatisfaction, including earmarking, which exist?

Mr. W. S. Morrison

I am not prepared at present to make any change in the arrangements now in force, but I will bear the hon. Member's suggestion in mind.

Mr. Morgan

It is admitted, then, that the grading of sheep, which is a more difficult process than the grading of pigs, is proceeding very satisfactorily, and offers a guide with regard to pigs under similar conditions?

Mr. Morrison

I have had very few complaints about the grading of sheep, but, on the other hand, as the hon. Member is aware, the dead weight basis even for sheep and other cattle also has its votaries among the agricultural population.