HC Deb 11 March 1940 vol 358 cc819-20
28. Mr. Parker

asked the Minister of Food how many slaughter-houses are being operated under the Meat Control scheme; and what was the number in use before the scheme was introduced?

Mr. W. S. Morrison

The answer to the first part of the hon. Member's Question is 801, and to the second part, approximately 16,000.

Mr. Alexander

Has any difficulty been found in getting a sufficient through-put through the recognised slaughter-houses?

Mr. Morrison

The authorised slaughter-houses are, I think, operating efficiently now. Naturally, there were at the beginning some difficulties, but I think they have been overcome.

Mr. John Morgan

With the approach of warm weather, will there be any increase in the number of slaughter-houses?

Mr. Morrison

That matter is being borne in mind. If it is necessary to increase the number of slaughter-houses, that will be done.

Mr. T. Williams

In cases where refrigeration is not available at the selected slaughter-houses, is refrigeration being provided?

Mr. Morrison

I can only answer that, in general, all the selected slaughter-houses are being equipped as efficiently as possible. If the hon. Member would like to have an answer with regard to refrigeration, perhaps he will put a Question on the Paper.