HC Deb 26 June 1940 vol 362 c433
9. Mr. Silkin

asked the Minister of Information why the documentary film, "Squadron 992," made by the General Post Office unit, which was shown privately on 2nd April last, was not generally released until 24th June?

Mr. Nicolson

The film, "Squadron 992," was hurriedly completed, in order that it might be shown privately to the French Minister of Information on 2nd April. Arrangements were then made for its distribution in the normal way, through trade channels, and the first public showing was given in London on 7th June. The film was generally released on 24th June.

Mr. Silkin

Does the hon. Gentleman consider it satisfactory that a film shown on 2nd April should not have been generally released to the public until 10 weeks afterwards?

Mr. Nicolson

No, Sir. It was owing to the delay in regard to this film that arrangements were made which, we hope, will make a much more speedy distribution possible.