§ 5. Mr. Bateyasked the Secretary of State for Air whether he can state the age-limit for men called up for the Royal Air Force Reserve; and whether men over 50 years of age are being sent to France?
§ The Secretary of State for Air (Sir Kingsley Wood)Airmen of the reserve are liable to be called up for service irrespective of age and to be sent on service anywhere, provided they are medically fit for such service. Special consideration is, however, given before reservists over 50 years of age are posted overseas.
§ Mr. BateyIn putting this question, I have in mind a particular case and I 1925 wish to ask the right hon. Gentleman whether there is any need for sending abroad men who are over 50 years of age
§ Sir K. WoodWe have avoided, where it is at all possible, doing such a thing. It is only done where it is necessary to make up the complement of a particular trade or rank, and if the hon. Gentleman has any particular case in mind, I shall be glad to know of it.