HC Deb 04 October 1939 vol 351 c1925
6. Mr. Stephen

asked the Secretary of State for Air whether he can give details of the recent events at Ballochanty, near Campbeltown, and the number of casualties; whether there are any military objectives in this area; and will he make a full statement on the subject?

Sir K. Wood

I have had inquiriesmade into the incident referred to, and it has been established that no Royal Air Force or enemy aircraft were operating in the neighbourhood on the day mentioned. The answer to the second part of the question is in the negative. As for the third part, I have no further information on the matter.

Mr. Stephen

Can the right hon. Gentleman not say where the bullets came from and how the window was broken?

Sir K. Wood

The Admiralty are making investigations and it may be — I do not know whether it is possible or not — that Fleet Air Arm aircraft may be involved, but inquiries are being made, the results of which will be available in a few days and I will let the hon. Gentleman know.

Mr. Kirkwood

May we take it from the reply of the Secretary of State for Air that there is no truth in the rumours which have been going round the West of Scotland, that it was an enemy aeroplane which fired into Campbeltown?

Sir K. Wood

Yes, Sir.

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