HC Deb 03 October 1939 vol 351 cc1825-6
91. Mr. Hollins

asked the Postmaster- General whether he is aware that the Army Post Office is making - postal charges up to 6s. 6d. per parcel sent to members of His Majesty's Forces serving overseas and that the inland postage for a similar parcel is only is.; whether he will authorise the same rate for overseas parcels as for inland parcels; and whether he will consider allowing relatives and friends to send one parcel per month free of postage?

The Postmaster-General (Major Tryon)

I would refer the hon. Member to the answer which I gave to the hon. Member for Burnley (Mr. Burke) on 2nd October.

Mr. Hollins

Was any reference made in the answer to the system that is now in operation?

Major Tryon

Not directly, but as I said we are going into the whole matter with the Service Departments.

Mr. Pethick-Lawrence

What was the answer to which the right hon. and gallant Gentleman refers?

Major Tryon

I explained yesterday that we were going into this matter with the Service Departments, and as soon as we have come to a satisfactory conclusion I will announce it. I hope we shall be able to conclude an arrangement which will be satisfactory to those concerned and to the House.

Mr. Shinwell

If the right hon. and gallant Gentleman thinks that the conclusion will be satisfactory to the House why cannot he announce it now?

Major Tryon

I think it is better to arrive at a conclusion before announcing it.

Mr. Viant

Has the right hon. And gallant Gentleman any idea when the decisions will be arrived at?

Major Tryon

I hope it will be as soon as possible.