HC Deb 30 November 1939 vol 355 cc231-2
42. Mr. Davidson

asked the Home Secretary whether he is satisfied that Glasgow's air raid precautions are now adequate to provide protection for the majority of Glasgow's population?

Sir J. Anderson

The situation certainly shows marked improvement but I am awaiting a detailed report on the present position, and will communicate with the hon. Member when I have received it.

Mr. Davidson

Will the right hon. Gentleman take all the steps he can to avoid specious paragraphs appearing in the Press which would lead the people of Glasgow to believe that their air-raid defences are what they are not?

Sir J. Anderson

I have no responsibility for these paragraphs.

43. Mr. Davidson

asked the Home Secretary the total sum expended on air-raid precautions in Glasgow up to date, and the proportion of such sum expended on salaries and wages?

Sir J. Anderson

According to returns furnished by the city council, the total expenditure on air-raid general and fire precautions in Glasgow from 1st January, 1937, to the end of the present month is estimated at £563,950. Up to 30th September last it is estimated that expenditure on salaries and wages of staff engaged on the administration of these services amounted to £9,200. These figures do not include the pay of whole-time volunteers in the air-raid precautions and fire services. From the outbreak of war up to 30th November, this is estimated to amount to £206,700.

55. Mr. Woodburn

asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware that in the Stirlingshire district of Bothkennar, Skin-flats, the falling of shrapnel has already been experienced; and whether he will provide air-raid shelters for the inhabitants or, alternatively, grant the cost of the materials to those householders who have constructed shelters in accordance with the advice of the Government?

Sir J. Anderson

I am informed that shell fragments have fallen in this area. I would deprecate the idea that any place in which this may occur should be regarded as a specially exposed area; but I have under consideration representations, made on other grounds, that the district of Stirlingshire in which these villages lie should be added to the list of areas which are "specified areas" for the purposes of Part III of the Civil Defence Act.

Mr. Woodburn

Is the right hon. Gentleman giving consideration to the last part of the question, as to whether he will compensate people who have small incomes?

Sir J. Anderson

I am governed by the conditions of the Civil Defence Act. If the area is specified under Part III of that Act, certain consequences will follow automatically.