HC Deb 24 May 1939 vol 347 cc2296-7
62. Mr. Riley

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies the present position of the project for the establishment of a factory for the manufacture of condensed milk in Jamaica; whether a beginning has yet been made; and what are the prospects?

Mr. M. MacDonald

A start has been made with the erection of the factory, and it is expected that it will begin production some time in the autumn or early winter of this year. Meantime the Governor of Jamaica has taken powers to regulate imports of condensed milk with a view to sharing the market between importers and the local factory. It is hoped that the factory will provide a stimulus to the local dairying industry and that it will later be able to manufacture from supplies of local milk a large part of the Colony's requirements of condensed milk.

Mr. Riley

Have the Government made any contribution towards this proposal?

Mr. MacDonald

I should like notice of that question.

63. Mr. Riley

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies the quantity and value of condensed milk, butter, cheese, bacon and eggs imported into Jamaica for the year ending 1938?

Mr. MacDonald

As the answer contains columns of figures, I will, with the hon. Member's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the answer:

Imports of certain commodities into Jamaica, 1938.
Quantity. Value.
Cwt. £
Condensed milk 8,938 146,373
Butter 8,540 51,322
Cheese 5,071 20,961
Bacon 2,070 7,977
Eggs 28,526 1,196