HC Deb 18 May 1939 vol 347 cc1605-6
39. Mr. Liddall

asked the Minister of Health with reference to the recent typhoid outbreak at Nottingham, what foodstuffs were found by his officers or the local medical officer of health to be suspect, either because of general consumption by the affected persons or otherwise?

Mr. Elliot

As I have already stated, it has not been possible to identify any particular foodstuff as responsible for the outbreak, and I do not think that any public purpose would be served by enumerating several varieties of foodstuffs, of which one or more may have been involved.

Mr. Liddall

Why cannot these poor people be given the information that the Ministry and the corporation have obtained, so that they may see what liability exists as between the corporation and the suppliers?

Mr. Levy

Has the Department called for a report with regard to the water supply at Nottingham?

40. Mr. Liddall

asked the Minister of Health whether, as the local authority have refused to give any information which is in their possession to the affected persons of the recent typhoid outbreak in Nottingham, he will now take steps to see that all such information should be furnished to them as and when requested?

Mr. Elliot

I have no power to give any directions to the local authority in this matter.

Mr. Liddall

Is my right hon. Friend not aware of the unfairness of this position, and cannot he make the request in the interests of the ratepayers affected?

Mr. Elliot

I think the interests of the ratepayers form the first care of the local authorities.