HC Deb 02 March 1939 vol 344 cc1427-8
30. Mr. Burke

asked the Minister of Labour what percentage of the total unemployed registered on any convenient date in January, 1939, had been unemployed for more than three months?

Mr. E. Brown

Among unemployed persons applying for benefit or unemployment allowances at 16th January, 1939, 36.8 per cent. had been continuously on the registers of Employment Exchanges in Great Britain for three months or more. A proportion of these will have had one or more short spells of employment lasting not more than three days each since they came on to the register. Corresponding figures are not available in respect of persons not applying for benefit or allowances.

39. Mr. Montague

asked the Minister of Labour what are the proportions of unemployed in Great Britain who have been one month, two months, three months and six months and more, respectively, out of work?

Mr. Brown

Figures in respect of some of the periods stated are not available, but of those applying for unemployment benefit or allowances in Great Britain at 16th January, 1939, 48.3 per cent. had been continuously on the registers for less than six weeks, 63.2 per cent. for less than three months, 76.5 per cent. for less than six months, and 23.5 per cent. for six months or more. Some of the persons who had been on the registers for extended periods will have had one or more short spells of employment, lasting not more than three days each, during those periods. Corresponding figures are not available for persons not applying for benefit or allowances.

Mr. Montague

Does the right hon. Gentleman perceive that his figures show that the annual unemployment figure must be between 4,000,000 and 5,000,000?

Mr. Brown

I would not like to give an off-hand answer on that point.

Mr. Burke

Since the right hon. Gentleman has given the percentage for the whole country, could he not give the percentage for one town, as asked for in my question earlier? How does he arrive at the aggregate percentage?

Mr. Brown

I explained that to the hon. Member on a previous question some time ago.

Mr. Burke

I asked it this afternoon.

Mr. Brown

It is not on the Order Paper to-day.