HC Deb 26 June 1939 vol 349 cc20-1
41. Mr. T. Johnston

asked the Post master-General the approximate proportion of printing work for his Department executed in Scotland, England and Wales respectively; and whether the telephone directories for Scottish towns, now printed in England, are the subject of competitive tender?

Major Tryon

The printing for the Post Office is undertaken by the Stationery Office. It has been ascertained that the proportions of printing work for the Post Office carried out in Scotland, England and Wales are approximately:

  • Scotland, 1½per cent.
  • England, 98 per cent.
  • Wales,½ per cent.
The printing of telephone directories is not the subject of competitive tender but is carried out by the Stationery Office Press, in accordance with the recommendations of the Gretton Committee on Government printing establishments.

Mr. Johnston

In view of the fact that 98 per cent. of the State printing is done in England, in the neighbourhood of London, and 1½ per cent. in Scotland, and in view of the evidence tendered to the committee on the location of industry, will the right hon. and gallant Gentleman take steps to see that these contracts are better distributed?

Major Tryon

In the present case, as I have said, there are no Post Office contracts. If the right hon. Gentleman has any representations to. make, perhaps he would make them to the Financial Secretary to the Treasury who is in charge of the Stationery Office Vote.

Mr. Johnston

Does the right hon. and gallant Gentleman defend a system under which local telephone directories, for the far North of Scotland, have to be printed in the neighbourhood of London and then sent back to Scotland?

Major Tryon

If the right hon. Gentleman is in favour of abandoning the State system and starting individual enterprise in this matter, perhaps he will be good enough to make representations in the proper quarter.

Mr. Johnston

Does the right hon. and gallant Gentleman believe that by a silly misrepresentation of my question, he can "get away with it"?