HC Deb 07 June 1939 vol 348 cc389-91
2. Mr. Bellenger

asked the Prime Minister what is the reason for the continued absence from Danzig of the League Commissioner; and what duties Dr. Burckhardt is now performing?

Mr. Butler

I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given to the hon. Member for East Wolverhampton (Mr. Mander) on 25th May. The High Commissioner returned to Danzig on 28th May.

Mr. Bellenger

Is it intended that the residence of the High Commissioner is to be temporary or more permanent than it has been within recent months?

Mr. Butler

I think that in the immediate present the Commissioner intends to return to Geneva.

Mr. Mander

Will the right hon. Gentleman make it clear that Dr, Burckhardt has not gone there on another attempt at mediation?

Mr. Butler

Any attempt at mediation would be beyond the competence of the High Commissioner.

Sir Percy Harris

How is this gentleman paid for his services, who pays his salary and how is he able to come and go as he will, apparently without responsibility?

Mr. Butler

I repudiate the suggestion that the High Commissioner is without responsibility and does not attend to his duties. He has the complete confidence of my Noble Friend.

4. Mr. Day

asked the Prime Minister whether he will now state in what way, in the future, private British interests and those of His Majesty's Government will be represented in Prague?

Mr. Butler

I would refer the hon. Member to my reply to the hon. and gallant Member for Nuneaton (Lieut.-Commander Fletcher) on 5th June to which I have at present nothing to add.

Mr. Day

Does "representation" mean recognition of German sovereignty over Czecho-Slovakia?

Mr. Butler

I said that we had got into touch with other Governments, and I cannot go any further at present.

Mr. Day

Has any answer been received from the other Governments?

Mr. Butler

Not yet.

10. Lieut.-Commander Fletcher

ask the Prime Minister whether His Majesty's Government have received any communication from the Vatican, relative to a conference for the settlement of outstanding international difficulties and disputes?

Mr. Butler

The position remains as stated in my reply to the hon. Member for Leyton West (Mr. Sorensen) on 15th May.

12. Mr. Mander

asked the Prime Minister whether he will give an assurance that in any general European settlement, an essential part will be the restoration of liberty and independence to Bohemia, Moravia and Slovakia?

Mr. Butler

The situation postulated by the hon. Member is entirely hypothetical, and I am obviously not in a position to give any assurance in regard to it.

Mr. Mander

Is it not of the highest importance that it should be made clear at once that no general European settlement could be contemplated which did not make arrangements for the restoration of liberty to these countries that have been recently seized contrary to all the pledges given to the Prime Minister?

Mr. Butler

I cannot go beyond the answer I have just given.

Mr. Mander

Is it the intention to hold the matter open, and possibly to recognise the seizure of these countries?

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