HC Deb 24 July 1939 vol 350 c1023
73. Commander Locker-Lampson

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty whether, in view of the difficulties, doubts, and probable expense involved in raising the "Thetis," he will consider leaving her where she is to remain a memorial to the dead, with a permanent buoy to mark the spot?

The Civil Lord of the Admiralty (Captain Austin Hudson)

As long as there is a reasonable possibility of salving His Majesty's Submarine "Thetis," I think it will be generally agreed that operations should continue so that the fullest information may be available as to the cause of the accident.

Mr. Logan

Is the hon. and gallant Member aware that on Merseyside it is considered most desirable that this ship should be raised if possible?

Mr. Lawson

Is the hon. and gallant Gentleman aware that the publicity given to this question and the suggestion in it have given very great pain to the relatives of the men who were lost, and that it is increasing the suspicion that there is something to hide?

Captain Hudson

There is nothing to hide.

Lieut.-Commander Fletcher

Is the hon. and gallant Gentleman aware of the statement of the managing director of Cammell Laird that he hopes that the vessel will not be salved; and, in view of the statement by the Prime Minister that he hopes and expects that. it will be salved, does the hon. and gallant Gentleman not deprecate the statement of the managing director of Cammell Laird and the suggestion in this question?

Captain Hudson

I have not seen the statement.

Commander Locker-Lampson

Can my hon. and gallant Friend say what the cost will be?

Captain Hudson

My hon. and gallant Friend had better put that question down.